7 Essential Oils for Meditation

Meditation will allow you to get from a place of scarcity – so common in the modern societies we live in – to a place of abundance where you feel infinity.

If you read my post How Meditation is Changing My Life, you are probably wondering how can you improve your concentration during the meditation practices or even actually concentrate to start your meditation journey. This is a list of some of the essential oils that will help you get in the mood:

– Frankincense: it is not by chance that this oil is the most commonly used for prayer or meditation practices, since Frankincense is associated with spiritual enlightenment.

– White Fir: this oil is associated with generational healing and spiritual protection and can, therefore, be a good assistance during mediation practices, especially when one is focused in breaking old patterns or seeking for connection with ancestors.

– Clary Sage: this one is my favourite essential oil, because not only do I love its scent and it is a great supporter for women’s hormones, as it also is the oil associated with clarity and vision, helping one to be more spiritually discerning and creative.

– Cedarwood: is the oil that supports social connection and joy in relationships. It promotes the sense of community: that life is a shared experience. So anytime you may be suffering from social anxiety, disconnection or even loneliness, Cedarwood is the best essential oil to support you during a meditation.

– Vetiver: this oil perfectly expresses what this plant is since it assists one in becoming more rooted in life. It’s an oil that helps center and descend, therefore bringing you to the present moment. When we want to escape pain or other emotions, it may become harder and harder to deal with them, Vetiver is an oil that can assist a deeper meditation within these states, since it grounds the individual and it helps to face their challenges, opening the doors to light and new states of being.

– Myrrth: this precious oil supports a feeling of trust, helping the soul feel more safe in life and more at home in Earth. Myrrh is connected with the relationship with Mother Earth and it assists individuals to feel nurtured.

– Sandalwood: this oil is associated with sacred devotion, with being humble and having spiritual clarity. Just like Frankincense, Sandalwood is also commonly used for prayer and meditation practices, because this oil calms the mind and the heart, preparing the spirit to commune with the divine.

For meditation practices, I usually use the oils in the diffuser, typically one to three drops. Sometimes I like to combine them as well, either with each other or with other oils, depending on the mood. In case I’m not at home or I don’t have a diffuser with me, I smell them directly from the bottle before I start meditating and/or I place one drop on the wrist (properly blended with a carrier oil in case I am sensitive to that particular essential oil).

So, next time you meditate, do it with one of these oils and then let me know how it went!

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Published by Natalia Costa

I love laughing out loud, sharing wellness is one of my greatest joys, and communicating with integrity is key to me. Being playful on an emotionally charged planet is the secret to enjoying synchronicity. The journey is the destination!

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