Pregnancy & Essential Oils: Introduction

Being pregnant it’s not the sea of roses that some women paint, it is a lifetime experience and each woman lives it in a different way. The hormones are highly unstable during this phase and the pressure for feeling happy or excited it’s just one more thing to add to the bucket. I have heard countless women express all the feelings that they have both during pregnancy, but especially after giving birth and they are far from being all flowers. They are however normal and it’s important to acknowledge them in order to regain balance.

Learn to love the baby as a new being in one’s life, breast feed, crying, guilt, no time for friends, guilt for not feeling what we are supposed to (or what someone says we are supposed to) are just some of the many challenges a new Mother has to deal with. Of course, pregnancy is a unique fantastic experience, mystical in its life changing aspects, but denying all the things that may come with it or only hearing the up sides of it are not a good solution because they often make women feel isolated, frustrated and more alone than ever. In any case, it is definitely a time for celebration and bringing a new life into this world is a miracle, that our fast pace world often forgets to acknowledge, cherish and give proper attention and time.

Essential Oils can be extremely supportive for the way the new Mother lives this phase of her life and in the process of bringing a new Baby to the world. Essential Oils are known for their incredible properties that are both very supportive of the endocrine system and the emotional system. Aromatherapy has been gaining more and more adepts, because people are realizing the benefits of essential oils. For pregnancy and babies, as for any other area, essential oils must be used carefully and people should be informed of what they are doing, such as which ones to use and how to use them. Obviously if the new Mother has already the implemented habit of using essential oils in her life, it will be easier to benefit from them during pregnancy. However, the fact that the new Mom is not so familiarized with essential oils doesn’t mean she can’t start using them during this period.

That said, in the next set of posts I will address some of the essential oils that can support pregnant women, new mums and babies and I will guide you in the usage of each of them. But always know that your own experience, your own nose, your own body, your own intuition will always be the best guide when it comes to essential oils or anything else you are using.

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Published by Natalia Costa

I love laughing out loud, sharing wellness is one of my greatest joys, and communicating with integrity is key to me. Being playful on an emotionally charged planet is the secret to enjoying synchronicity. The journey is the destination!

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