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How to do Oil Pulling for Teeth and Oral Health

Oil pulling is a natural technique to ensure healthy teeth and gums. It consists in putting a spoon of a vegetable oil in your mouth, then swish it around for a while (it is generally done with coconut oil for 5 to 15 minutes). The main benefit of doing this, is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth and it is a natural effective way to clean your mouth, avoiding harmful chemicals.

The way oil pulling works is simple: when you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria attaches to it and dissolves in the liquid. So each time you do oil pulling you remove a large amount of bacteria and plaque from your mouth.


Having some plaque on your teeth is normal, but if it gets out of hand it can cause all sorts of problems, including bad breath, yellow teeth, gum inflammation, gingivitis and cavities.

Oil Pulling contributes to:
– Reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth
– Reduce Plaque and Gingivitis
– Reduce bad breath
– Whiter teeth
– Stronger teeth and gums

It is also attributed to:

– Alleviation of headaches, hangovers and skin issues, such as acne, psoriasis and eczema – given that inflammation can cause all sorts of health problems, it does make sense that reducing inflammation in the gums and mouth could lead to benefits for overall health and this explains why some people report improvements in health issues that apparently have nothing to do with oral health.


1 – Fill a teaspoon or a tablespoon of coconut oil and add one drop of one of these three essential oils known for their oral benefits

2 – Place the mixture in your mouth

3 – Swish the oil around your mouth for about 15-20 minutes

4 – Spit out the oil (to a trash bin)

5 – Brush your teeth (preferably with a natural toothpaste)

If the coconut oil you use is not fraccionated you may have to chew the oil for a minute or so to let it melt, in case it is solid at room temperature.

The best time to do oil pulling is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 

Make sure you spit the oil to the trash, because it can clog the sink. 

I chose coconut oil because it contains Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It also contains lots of easily digestible, fat-soluble vitamins: A,D,E and K. Vitamin A is good for the immune system, Vitamin D is good for strong bones and teeth, and Vitamin K is good for blood-clotting.

Before applying the technique test the oil in the crease of the elbow to be sure you are not allergic. It is very rare but some people may experience “contact dermatitis” an allergic reaction to coconut oil. In alternative you can try other vegetable oils such as olive oil.

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil and one drop of Clove. I have noticed that my teeth are both whiter and shinier. You can watch the video here.

Apply the technique for a month and observe the results. People with severe oral health issues should notice overall improvement after one year of continuous usage of the technique.


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